Systems are Rocket fuel for sales Teams

Having the ability to ensure success should sound incredibly appealing. In essence, being able to succeed by following a defined process and repeating it over and over can effectively tilt the probability of organizational growth largely in your favor.

That’s why I advocate, promote…I basically evangelize the need to have a defined sales system and process within any sales organization. Having a process and also leveraging the power of a digital tool (CRM) to capture and manage that process along the way ensures the success you are aiming to achieve.

**Notice that I didn’t say anything about a mandate for a reporting tool, or measuring activities, or driving sales efficiencies in stages. I only said that you need to have and follow a system for selling your products and solutions for your business to your customers and prospects.

One of my mentor’s favorite sayings about sales is this: “if you don’t have a repeatable sales process, you don’t have a repeatable sales process”. It means that if it is not in some way standardized, others have problems replicating the same success that you may have already achieved.

So, how do you know if you need a system? Answer: All B2B sales people and organizations need a system. No exceptions.

In my work with coaching and growing sales organizations I frequently find CEOs and Founders who state that salespeople are not selling like the CEO imagined they would. Another version of this same issue is that the salespeople are not calling on the “right” client list or type, or they are pursuing jobs that are out alignment with a core business offering. This happens a lot in B2B solution selling. One of two primary reasons is that there is not an identified and documented value proposition aligned to a selling system for the team to utilize in their prospecting and selling efforts. (I’ll cover the other primary reason in a separate blog post) The clutch move that a leader must execute is to get this information captured, refined, and distributed throughout the organization, not just to the sales team. For a business to grow exponentially, it is imperative leverage a system to operate within so that by adding the value proposition at the company-culture level the combination becomes rocket fuel for sales growth.

To Your Success!


Sales systems Should be Simple


Sales: Efficient Vs. Effective