Reach Your Business Goals
Sales Consulting Resources
With Fortune 500 and family business experience, Kevin knows how to help your organization grow strategically and tactically. Explore curated content to enhance your industry knowledge, sales expertise, and more.
Strategy: Before You Hire Your First Salesperson
Hiring well starts with planning to lead well.
Running and Sales Leadership
Sometimes in sales, you have to slow down to go faster, and farther.
Bad behavior is always bad behavior
Bad behavior is bad behavior in sales - whether a top producer or trainee, leaders must not tolerate bad behavior in the organization.
FOCUS AREAS for Sales Management
Getting Organized- When your team is missing a key component from these success areas, teams stumble to grow or scale…and sometimes struggle to make goals.
Onboarding Recent Graduates
College Grads need our experience to help them get their work career off on the right foot and that process starts long before they enter our org. Plan ahead for better outcomes.
Tell Stories to Connect More Effectively
Half of selling is the art of connecting with prospects & clients. Using storytelling as a method for connection enhances the likelihood of gaining a prospect’s attention, faster.
sell intentionally
Have a plan for each day: Prospecting, Follow Up, Proposal, Content Creation, and personal networking. This recipe will ignite your potential to succeed.
Lighthouse Sales Newsletter
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Upcoming Events
Kevin networks like nobody else. Take a look at the events below to connect with potential clients, vendors, or partners who can accelerate your business.