Be a lifelong learner - Chase a Growth Goal
Prepare your learning plan for 2024
Old saying - Leaders are readers!
The updated version of this statement now reads; Leaders are readers, podcast subscribers, audiobook listeners, seminar attendees, and online course participants. There is no shortage of content to be consumed and with the varied platforms and interconnected nature of the messages being distributed, there is no reason why every leader cannot work on self improvement every year.
Download my 2023 Reading List
or my 2024 Learning Plan template:
Good Learning PLans Contain
I subscribe to the idea that learning plan are very much like healthy living plans. They contain a few core components and very simple systems for staying the course and on track. My five areas of focus for my annual learning plans are: research, review, extend, synthesize, apply.
Quick Summary:
Research- Seek out new subjects or trends for awareness.
This year I sought out new sales strategy insights and methods for industries where I’ve never worked.
Review- Going back and reviewing content is key for internalizing and absorbing content effectively.
Re-reading, listening, viewing past content keeps it fresh. You can see my linkedIn monthly post about rereading content here.
Extend- Go deep on subjects and content.
Seek counter points, and commentary on subjects or peer review. There is a lot of discussion around methods for qualifying sales opportunities with a great deal of opinions and research about when and where to apply the methods. Google MEDDPICC, MEDDIC, or MEDDPIC- you will find an immense amount of opinions and research about this method and the evolution of MEDDIC.
Synthesize- Make the data part of your mental recall.
This area of my learning plan is where I spend the largest blocks of time, consistently. Success involves being able to summarize the content, engage others in conversation about it, or develop talking points about why to or not to apply it.
Apply- This area follows the synthesis stage when executing your plan. However, as you create your learning plan for 2024 you may start in this stage and ask yourself: “What area do I want, or need, to grow my understanding?”
Setting a personal growth goal as a part of the organizational goal may be the right catalyst for you and your organization to break through a previous ceiling or break free from some past, limiting habits that may have impacted your ability to grow the business.
Face Facts
There are no short cuts, half hearted wins, or easy buttons when it comes to change management and personal growth. You have to do the work and also be aware that sometimes success is not achieved. Speaking from experience; I was challenged by a peer group earlier in 2023 to stretch myself and set bigger, stretch goals. Mostly because the goals I set were not adequately thought out and really didn’t push me to personally grow. I went back to my learning plan surprised myself when I trimmed the areas for growth and also expanded the goals in the Extend and Synthesize areas. I had to seek deeper knowledge to become better in areas that are now fueling my growth.
Take Action
I challenge you to be intentional in your growth - Seek areas to strategically grow and get to a point of discomfort. That’s where the real growth happens.